Tired of acne treatments not working? Not interested in Accutane? Aviclear could be your answer.  It could be three, quick 30-minute treatment sessions away. AviClear is the first and original FDA-cleared energy device for the treatment of mild, moderate, and severe acne.

AviClear before and after results


AviClear is the first FDA-cleared laser treatment for mild, moderate, and severe acne. It has been shown to improve existing acne, while making future breakouts shorter, less intense, and less frequent.

Excess sebum can collect dead skin cells and debris, forming a sticky plug that clogs pores. This gives rise to all types of blemishes. Bacteria that live in the sebaceous glands feed on this excess sebum, which can inflame pores to the point of rupture and create acne pustules, papules, nodules, and cysts.

AviClear before and after results

Benefits of AVICLEAR

  • AviClear is a laser treatment for acne that has been cleared by the FDA for long-term treatment of acne.
  • Reduction in breakout duration
  • Milder breakouts
  • Improvement in skin appearance
  • Can treat face and body acne.

How many treatments will I need?

AVICLEAR is 3 quick 30-minute treatment scheduled 4 weeks apart.

What is the recovery time?

Minimal – Skin may look inflamed and slightly swollen for up to two days following treatment. Most patients see the redness dissipate by the time they leave the office and get to their car.

Some people experience breakouts after their AviClear treatment, due to a purging effect, but they typically resolve within a few days.

AviClear before and after results